50MHzFT8 運用について:当局の運用していない時間にレポートがあります。ご注意ください。


My site is Normaly, but if you have any useful information, please get back. I haven’t been out anywhere lately, so I don’t have the latest information. Recently, I’m operating FT8, and it is possible to communicate with weak signal even in situations where CW/SSB cannot be heard. My friends are said that there is no real thrill of amateur radio, but I would like to challenge everything so that “amateurs are progressive”.

de JA2MNB/K7NB Hiko



de JA2MNB/K7NB Hiko


Operation status of JA2MNB by Clublog 

QSL via JARL Bureau, LoTW(preferred) or any other way.

JA2MNB Log Search

QSO data uploaded to web logging system

Club LogHRDlog.neteQSL.cc, and QRZ.com .



JAPANESE License Data Search

<Search for Japanese amateur radio station licenses officially licensed

by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.>

(by JJ1WTL Tnx)



